Polemical in some parts, exegetically and ethnographically detailed in others, ‘After the Decolonial’ retraces the ancestry of contemporary Latin American decolonial theories, discussing Mexican anthropologists old and new, the cultural theories of Edward Said, the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas, the worldview of Frantz Fanon, and those I call the ‘gurus’ of the decolonial – Quijano, Mignolo and dos Santos. It differentiates their ideas…
A study of how the Brazilian black intelligentsia and their allies organized a movement to promote the idea of affirmative action in public universities, culminating in a favourable ruling from the country’s Supreme Court and a unanimous vote in Congress. The book also discusses in detail the important ideological and philosophical debates that accompanied the campaign. It received favourable reviews in various…
This article examines the institution of celebrity within academia. Academic Celebrity has parallels with the celebrity seen in the wider world, though it is born of conditions unique to the fields of higher education and research and exhibits its own special characteristics.