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Democracy and Development in Latin America: Economics, politics and religion in the postwar period, Cambridge, Polity Press, (U.S. edition: Temple University Press.), 1990.

Struggle for the Spirit: Religious Transformation and Popular Culture in Brazil and Latin
America, Oxford, Polity Press, (U.S. edition, Blackwell International, 1996

(with Batia Siebzehner) Remaking Israeli Judaism: the challenge of Shas, London, Hurst and Company, New York OUP, 2006

(edited) Agrarian Reform and Agrarian Reformism. London, Faber and Faber, 1974.

(edited) Development Theory: Four Critical Studies. London, Frank Cass, 1979.

(edited) Ecology and Exchange in the Andes, Cambridge University Press, 1982.


Special Issues of Journals (Guest Editor)

Bulletin of Latin American Research, 18, 2, April 1999: Special Issue on Social Movements and Religious Change



"The trajectory of the Cuban revolution" (review article), Journal of Development Studies, VII,2, January 1971.

"Political incorporation versus political stability: the case of the Chilean Agrarian Reform", Journal of Development Studies, VII,4, July 1971.

"Peasant consciousness and agrarian reform in Chile", European Journal of Sociology, November 1972.

"Generalizing about peasant movements", Journal of Development Studies,(review article)
January 1973.

"The international context" (with Clive Bell), in Ann Zammit (ed.): The Chilean Road to
Socialism", IDS, Sussex, 1974.

"Introduction" and "Land reform in Chile: an essay in contradictions",in Lehmann (ed.) Agrarian Reform and Agrarian reformism, 1974 (published in Italian in Problemi del Socialismo).

"Ideologies of interdisciplinarity and income distribution", Cambridge Anthropology, IV,1,

"Theory of agrarian structure: typology and paths of transformation in Latin America", Working Paper, Centre for Latin American Studies,  Cambridge, 1976.

"Military organization and the state in Latin America", in E.V.K. Fitzgerald et al. (eds): The State and Economic Development in Latin America, Cambridge, Centre for Latin American
Studies, 1977.

"Neo-classical populism", Peasant Studies, October 1977.

"The death of Land Reform", World Development, VI,3, 1978.

"The political economy of Armageddon", Journal of Development Economics, 5, 1978.

"The Cuban economy in 1978", Cambridge Journal of Economics, III, 1979.

"Ni Lenin ni Chayanov", Estudios Rurales Latinoamericanos, III,1, 1980.

"Proletarización, reforma agraria y movimientos sociales: ("Proletarianization, agrarian reform and social movements") in PREALC (Latin American Employment Programme of the ILO): Economia campesina y empleo, (Peasant Economy and Employment) Santiago, Chile, 1981.

"Revolutions and the imperatives of state power", (review article), Political Studies, 1981.

"Proletarianization and 'peasantization': recent changes in the agrarian structures of Brazil and Mexico", in S. Jones et al.(eds): Rural Poverty and Land Reform, Delhi, Allied Publishers,1982.

"Chile's three agrarian reforms: the inheritors", (with L. Castillo), Bulletin of Latin American
Research, I,2, 1982.

"Agrarian structure, migration and the state in Cuba", in Peter Peek and Guy Standing (eds):
State Policies and Migration in Latin America and the Caribbean, London Croom Helm, 1982.

"A note on the relationship between peasant economy and seasonal labour in pre-revolutionary Cuba", Bulletin of Latin American Research, II,1, 1982.

"Beyond Lenin and Chayanov", Journal of Development Economics, II, 1982.

"Agrarian Reform and Structural Change in Chile: 1965-1979", in    A.K. Ghose (ed.): Agrarian Reform in Contemporary Developing Countries, London, Croom Helm, 1983.

"Sharecropping and the capitalist transition in agriculture: some evidence from highland
Ecuador", Journal of Development Economics, 1985 (published in Spanish in Estudios Rurales Latinoamericanos, 1987).

"Smallholding agriculture in revolutionary Cuba: a case of under-exploitation?", Development and Change, XVI, 1985.

"Cardoso: da dependencia a democracia", Novos Estudos CEBRAP (São Paulo, 14, 1986.

"Two paths of agrarian capitalism: a critique of Chayanovian marxism", Comparative Studies in Society and History, October, 1986 (published in Spanish in Estudios Andinos, III,7, 1985, and in Italian in Proposte e Ricerche, 19, 1987).

"A Latin American Political Scientist: Guillermo O'Donnell" Latin American Research Review, XXIV, 2, 1989.

"Modernity and Loneliness: popular culture in Quito and Guadalajara", European Journal of
Development Research, II, 1, 1990. (Spanish version published in Chile by PREALC.)

Prologómeno a las revoluciones religiosas en América Latina, Punto de Vista, (Buenos Aires), 1992.  (Also published in Tempo Social (São Paulo), 4, 1-2, 1994).

(with Priscilla Delano): Women Workers in Labour-Intensive Factories: the case of Chile's Fish Industry. European Journal of Development Research, V,2, 1993.

`Religious revolutions', in Fiona Wilson and Finn Stepputat (eds): People in politics: debating
democracy in Latin America, Copenhagen, Centre for Development Research, 1994.

‘An opportunity lost: Escobar’s deconstruction of development’,  Journal of Development
Studies,.33, 4, pp.568-578, 1997

(with Anthony Bebbington) `NGOs, the state and the development process: the dilemmas of institutionalization', in Menno Vellinga (ed.): The changing role of the state in Latin America, Boulder, Westview Press, 1998 (Also published in Spanish by  Siglo XXI, Mexico). ISBN 0-8133-2137 9.

‘Fundamentalism and globalism’, Third World Quarterly, 19,1, pp.607-634, 1998

(with Patricia Birman) ‘Religion and the media in a battle for ideological hegemony: the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God and TV Globo in Brazil’, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 18,2, April 1999, 145-164

‘Female-headed households in Latin America and the Caribbean: problems of analysis and conceptualization’, in Pour l’Histoire du Brésil: hommage à Katia de Queirós Mattoso, ed. François Crouzet and Denis Rolland, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2000.

‘Fundamentalismo: una forma de ser moderno’, Punto de Vista (Buenos Aires), 66, 20-30, April, 2000. (translation of  ‘Fundamentalism and globalism’ above)

‘Fundamentalismo y globalismo’, Política (Madrid) 2000 (translation of  ‘Fundamentalism and globalism’ above)

‘Charisme et possession en Afrique et au Brésil’, in Françoise Champion and Jean-Philippe Bastian (eds.): La globalisation du religieux, Paris L’Harmattan, 2000.  

‘Charisma and possession in Africa and Brazil’ Theory, Culture and Society, 18, 5, 45-74 2001.

‘Religion, globalisation and fundamentalism’, in Linda Woodhead et al. (eds.), Religions in the modern world: traditions and transformations, Oxford, Blackwell, 2001.

‘Religion in contemporary Latin American social science’, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 21,2, 290-307, 2002. (published in Spanish in the Revista Mexicana de Sociología, 2005)

(with Nikki Craske) ‘50 years of research in Latin American Studies in the United Kingdom’, European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 72, 61-80, April 2002.

‘Dissidence and conformism in religious movements: what difference – if any – separates the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and Pentecostal Churches?’ Concilium, 3, 2003, pp. 122-138

(with Batia Siebzehner)  ‘The role of education in a movement of ethnic and religious renewal: the case of Shas’, in Gad Arnsberg, Peter Fenn and Karl Schneider (eds.): Democracy – Education – Society Aspects of their interrelationship in Israel and Germany, Filibach Verlag, Freiburg. i. B. 2006.

Lehmann, D. (2005). ‘The cognitive approach to understanding religion’, Archives des Sciences Sociales des Religions 131-132: 199-213.

'Holy Pirates: Media, Ethnicity and Religious Renewal in Israel',(written with Batia Siebzehner) in Birgit Meyer and Annelies Moors (eds.): Religion, media and the public sphere, 2006 pp.91-109

‘Secularism and the Public–Private Divide: Europe can Learn from Latin America’, Political Theology, 7, 3:273-293, (2006)


Numerous reviews published in academic journals, TLS etc.
